Friday, October 19, 2012

Everything I Know I Learned from Chickens

In the spirit of "recycling", I figured I would make a blog entry out of a recent project that I was working on for a friend of mine who was moving on to her next life adventure.  I hope that it will fill the overall theme of this blog and be entertaining.

When you see your reflection, always check to make sure that you are smiling.

Make a joyful noise wherever you go.
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it defines the chicken.
Some chickens are just jerks and there's not much we can do about it.

The best way to approach a challenge is one bite at a time.

It's cool to be a trend-setter, even if no one else follows you.

In times of abundance, it's important to share.

Sometimes the "biggest worm you've ever seen" turns out to be a garden hose in disguise.

If you've got it, flaunt it!

(Dust) baths make every day a little bit more bearable.

You can be the"pot of gold" at the end of some one's rainbow.

Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

When your wings are clipped, welcome it as an invitation to reacquaint yourself with things close to home.

Keeping your head down when things get too crazy is a sound strategy.

You can't always choose your situation, but you can choose to make the best of it.

The chicken crossed the road to get where she was going.

The best place in the world will always be among friends.

Chickens don't have a word for goodbye because you are never far from their hearts.

My Lunch Mates

Today was somewhat of an annoying day, so I think that it is a good time to turn that around by sharing a recent memory that will certainly be filed along with my most cherished.

Lately I have taken to hanging out with the pigs at lunch time, after I have finished eating (You would not want to try eating in there, trust me!).    This generally takes the form of me hanging out with Cesak, my BPFF (Best Pig Friend Forever).  On this particular day, I was resting my head on Cesak's side while reading a book.  He was sleeping, but would periodically sniff and snort to see if there was anything interesting going on.  I had been reading for some time when Reggie Pig came walking by.  Reggie is hilarious because he is the youngest and smallest of the pigs, but he is fearless in challenging the rest of the mob (That is an approved term for a group of pigs...I looked it up).

Since Reggie was making a loud ruckus, I expected that my peaceful moment with Cesak was nearing its end.  The two of them went back and forth with some oinks before Reggie proceeded to lay himself on my lap.

After the initial shock of having "little" Reggie join me, I had to pause to marvel in just how cool this was.  There are many magical moments that I have experienced, but it is always particularly special when our animal friends seek us out for these unions. 

Before he joined us here at the Sanctuary, Reggie was destined to be slaughtered as part of a writer's exploitative story.  I only wish that she had been there to experience who Reggie has become, and to see him in a whole new light.

This bonding experience made my day and reliving this memory has snapped me out of the slight funk I carried home with me.  Thanks Reggie!