Friday, April 29, 2011

A Farm Sanctuary Blessing

This was created as a "going-away" message to some of the interns who are going to be leaving the Farm soon.  I think it is good for people who have visited the farm, who want to visit the Farm, or who are just animal lovers.

A Farm Sanctuary Blessing

As you continue on your journey, and the gates, they fade from view
Take heed of all the lessons that the animals have taught to you
Like the cow, may you need only the sun on your face to be content
Like the goat, may you use your head to get through life's obstacles
Like the chicken, may you find joy in the simple things that most never see
Like the sheep, may you always have a flock at your sides
Like the pig, may you rejoice when life hurls mud at you
Like the turkey, may you never fail to shatter stereotypes and preconceptions
Like the duck, may you find happiness in life's many storms
Like the donkey, may you never be afraid to be stubborn in your convictions
Like the goose, may you never fear to strike when the "ankles of injustice" are exposed
Like all your animal friends, may you always remember that you have a home here.