Thursday, January 19, 2012

Images from the Farm

I am quite overdue in sharing pictures, so I figured I would post of batch of recent favorites.

First off is Ricky.  As you can tell, he is quite a noble gentleman with the carefully groomed beard of a prince.

There is only one Molly!  Here are a couple of pictures that show off her beautiful face.

If Ricky is a prince in training, Buddy here is content to be a semi-retired duke lording over his pastoral paradise.

Cecil is Ricky's wingman and has the cutest "la mancha" ears (These are naturally like this).

Melvin (a.k.a. The Horned Avenger, a.k.a. the Goatfather) letting his bouffant do the talking.

Oh my Baby Madeline, how quickly she has grown up.  Here are a bunch of pictures of her along with her new goat family.  She is just too darn cute for words!  Many of her pictures are mid-bleat (When I say "Baby", she will call back).

Here we have my first picture of Norman steer.  He and his mini-herd have recently started making more public appearances in the Cattle Hill pasture and I was lucky to catch him in a candid moment.