Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Images from the Farm

Today I remembered that I own a camera and got some pretty good pictures during my lunch break.  Since I get to see these guys everyday and you might not, here are some of my favorites.

Slater, one of our Santa Cruz Sheep modeling the latest in winter wear for the discerning ovine.

Bruce reminding me why he is so special.

Miss Hattie and Cecil make a great couple!

Miss Hattie explores alternate uses for her gate as a headrest.

Justin Goat and his crew

Juanita, Baabette, and Bleu

Cassie Jo with Grandma Polly in the background

Cassie Jo in profile

Beautiful Zuri so grown up

Melvin doing his best, "You Talkin' to Me" pose

Oliver showing off his horns

Marcus is glad he is not in Montana this time of year

Whitaker...what else can I say

I love Bea...even if she is "on the fence" about me
Oh Scribbles, you have food all over your face!

Carey is ready for his close-up


Wonderful Whitaker

Speaking of Heidi, she used to have a very unusual trait that I thought was specific to her...but I'll get to that in a minute.

A couple weeks ago, I had the opportunity to spend some quality time with an old friend.  In fact, he was my "O.C." (Original Calf) buddy: Whitaker.  He was hanging out in the Cattle Barn (Appropriate) and I decided to see if he enjoyed being brushed.  It turned out that he enjoyed it a lot more than I would have expected and proceeded to follow me around anytime I stopped brushing him and started to move away.  I found this to be yet another great example of how animals experience pleasure just like we do.  There was no other reason for him to want the brushing to continue.

I imagine that the brush bristles probably feel a little bit like a cow's tongue and that he enjoyed this like he would being groomed by another cow friend.
As this grooming continued, I made a discovery.
Back to Heidi - Heidi had a spot at the base of her tail that when scratched would cause her tongue to stick out.  I always imagined that she had some rogue tendon connecting those two spots and that this was somewhat unique.  Well, it turned out that Whitaker has a spot just like this, only it is on his back.  It is on his side, just below his spine and approximately even with his last rib.  At first I thought it to be a fluke, but it turns out to be amazingly repeatable.  Sooo, without further ado, here is my cute Whitaker video of the day:

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Frosty Reception

Today while we were driving in town, I saw something that really amused me - so much so that we went back so that I could get a picture. 

Maybe I have a latent snowman, or should that be "snow-person" fetish, but it really seemed like that was a more seductive pose than I normally see them in.  It certainly isn't explicit, but I have to imagine that if I assumed that pose on my desk at work, it may make some people uncomfortable... and that would be with me wearing pants (Notably absent in the picture)! 

Greater Love...

Greater love for a dog hath no man than this, to allow him to continue to share his house after he did this (Saint Brian, 12:15)