Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Images from the Farm

Today I remembered that I own a camera and got some pretty good pictures during my lunch break.  Since I get to see these guys everyday and you might not, here are some of my favorites.

Slater, one of our Santa Cruz Sheep modeling the latest in winter wear for the discerning ovine.

Bruce reminding me why he is so special.

Miss Hattie and Cecil make a great couple!

Miss Hattie explores alternate uses for her gate as a headrest.

Justin Goat and his crew

Juanita, Baabette, and Bleu

Cassie Jo with Grandma Polly in the background

Cassie Jo in profile

Beautiful Zuri so grown up

Melvin doing his best, "You Talkin' to Me" pose

Oliver showing off his horns

Marcus is glad he is not in Montana this time of year

Whitaker...what else can I say

I love Bea...even if she is "on the fence" about me
Oh Scribbles, you have food all over your face!

Carey is ready for his close-up