Sunday, November 21, 2010

October 17th, 2010: Why Won't the Chicken Cross the Road?

In my days I have led people in the military and in civilian life, and occasionally they have actually followed me. Yesterday at the Farm, I had my first opportunity to lead chickens. Unfortunately, I couldn't get them all to sign a media release so I can't share the... excitement that is me playing "Pied Piper" for some reluctant feathered friends. Suffice it to say, if you could get muscular by doing chicken lifts, I would be ripped by now.

I also had a chance to spend some time with Edwin, Whitaker, and Elliot. Since I sponsor the three of them, we have an agreement that I can share their video here. Elliot is new to the Farm Sanctuary Bovine Youth Group and he is definitely the little guy, but I have no doubts that he will fit in. I think Whitaker is a little reluctant to hand over the mantle of "baby" though.

All of the wonderful animals at the Farm Sanctuary are available for sponsorship or adoption. If you would like to make a real difference in the life of a farm animal, please check out the link below. Thank you.